
Ryokan Gojyuan Gift Vouchers are the perfect gift idea for any occasion. We feel that Gift Vouchers are exactly that - a gift from the heart.

That is why we do not send our vouchers by email but insert them into a handmade card and send by post either to the purchaser or to the recipient.

Vouchers are processed  during business hours. Please allow at least 24 hours after payment for the voucher to be prepared.

If you request the voucher be sent to you, a gift card inside an envelope will be sent to your address. Otherwise the voucher will be sent directly to the recipient.

Alternatively, the voucher can be picked up at Ryokan Gojyuan. You will be sent a confirmation email so it is very important to check the details before we send out the gift card and voucher.

Gift Vouchers are subject to certain terms and conditions. These conditions are described in our Frequently Asked Questions and can potentially change at any time. It is your responsibility to check these terms and conditions regularly before making any purchases in case there are any changes. By purchasing a gift voucher, you agree with the terms and conditions set out below.

As our accommodation bookings are based on a waiting list, we do not issue new Gift Vouchers for the full amount of of the accommodation tariff. The maximum amount for new gift vouchers is $300.00. There is a limit of one voucher per booking.


Frequently Asked Questions / Terms and Conditions

How long is my Gift Voucher valid for?

The Gift Voucher is valid for a period of 36 months from the date of purchase and cannot be extended.

In what denominations are Gift Vouchers sold?

Gift Vouchers can be purchased for any fixed value. The minimum amount is $50.00 and the maximum is  currently $300.00. If the voucher amount is our current package rate, then the voucher amount is only printed on the reverse side of the voucher.

How do I pay for my Gift Voucher?

We offer two types of payment methods - Direct Deposit and PayPal. As we are a very small business, we add a 3% surcharge for PayPal payments.

Can my Gift Voucher be redeemed for cash?

Your Gift Voucher cannot be redeemed for cash but can be used for our hinoki package.

Are there any limitations on choice of dates for my reservation?

All services are strictly subject to availability at the time of booking.

Do I need to quote my Gift Voucher number when making my reservation?

Yes, at the time of making the initial booking you MUST specify the Gift Voucher number. There is a limit of one voucher per  booking.

What if I don’t have my Gift Voucher with me when checking in?

You must produce your original Gift Voucher upon arrival. If you have misplaced your Voucher and are unable to produce it upon check-in, then you must pay for your accommodation. In this instance the voucher can be used at a future date (before the expiry date).

What if I have lost my Gift Voucher?

Ryokan Gojyuan Gift Vouchers are not replaceable if lost, stolen, destroyed or altered and will not be accepted or be otherwise redeemable.

What if the cost of my booking is more than the value of the Gift Voucher?

Should you spend more than the value of your Gift Voucher, the outstanding amount must be paid.


Purchase a Gift Voucher